When it comes to providing therapy, including Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Every individual is unique, and their experiences, values, and beliefs are shaped by their culture. Culture shapes how we understand and...
Staci Jacobs
Self Compassion
Recently, in an off-handed, quasi-self deprecating way, a dear friend remarked to me, “If I were to speak to others the way I speak to myself, I don’t think I’d have that many friends.” I was struck by the statement, as my assumptions about this individual ran wholly...
Cut That Cord! A Parent’s Guide to Using Opposite Action
Here we are again. You’re staring at a sink filled with food-crusted plates, overflowing cups, and more silverware than you can count. How many times have you said, “Clean up after yourself!”? How many conversations have you had about the importance of taking...
Addressing Body Image Concerns Using Mirror Exposure
Who hasn’t experienced some form of self-criticism about their body image? We are all too familiar with examining ourselves in the mirror and zeroing in on whatever it is that we do not like. It’s a process so many of us unconsciously engage in…but what effect does it...
The Adolescent Brain
Brains are like race cars: Powerful, innovative, dynamic, tough, and function like well-oiled machines. Sometimes, however, steering a race car can be hard to maintain control of. Brains are not that different. Our brains have their own accelerator as well as a...
Start SMART this New Year
The New Year is accompanied by a fairly familiar tradition: Setting New Year’s resolutions and then great difficulty actually reaching those resolutions. It is something that, at one point or another, most of us are guilty of experiencing. We pinpoint behaviors to...
The Mindful Brain
The practice of mindfulness can transform us from a rote state to an intentional state. Like a caterpillar morphing into a beautiful butterfly, mindfulness can help transform you into a happier and healthier version of yourself. Yet, what is mindfulness doing in the...
Thinking Dialectically about Recovering from Addiction
Whether you struggle with substance abuse or know someone who does, addiction impacts all of us. It’s easy to judge, to assume, or to have strong opinions about what you think someone should do to get better and survive. It likely comes from a place of love or fear,...
Science & Society: The DBT Brain
In the previous blog post on The Neuroplastic Brain, we began to explore how our environment can influence our brain's development through neuroplasticity. Have you ever considered how this plays out in your life? Well, if you are currently or previously engaged in...
Trick or Truth? How to Change Unwanted Emotions by Checking The Facts
Picture this: You’re alone in your home and hear a loud sound coming from the next room. Immediately you think, an intruder is in the house. Panic sets in and your heart starts racing. You’re terrified, of course, because you’re in danger. . .or are you? Research...