Have you ever felt like you’re caught in an endless loop of worry, where every anxious thought feeds into the next, creating a never-ending cycle of fear and unease? If so, you are not alone. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States,...
How to Achieve More Balanced Sleep
How to Achieve More Balanced Sleep Many people struggle with sleep. Whether it’s falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting enough sleep it is extremely frustrating since it is partly out of your control. Good news- there actually is a lot in your control to improve...
How to Live in Accordance With What Matters: A Crash Course on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
What the heck is ACT? If you find yourself thinking, “another type of behavioral therapy? Another acronym?!” I would get it. It’s true, as a therapist, I geek out on this stuff. But I wouldn’t write a blog post about it if I didn’t think it was really worth your...
There REALLY is No Place Like Home for the Holidays
Perry Como wasn’t wrong when he sang those iconic Stillman lyrics. “There’s no place like home for the holidays.” Really. And whether it’s your biological family, your chosen family or your new partner, home (for the holidays) carries a weighty pressure that perfectly...
Understanding Executive Functioning
By: Dr. Nikita Patel, Psy.D. Do you find yourself putting off errands or tasks unless there is an immediate deadline? Is it difficult for you to organize your thoughts and clearly explain them to someone else? Time management and organization are examples of executive...
Enhancing the Parent-Child Relationships with PRIDE
By: Dr. Emily Nichols, Psy.D. Have you ever found yourself giving your child the same direction multiple times to no avail? Do you find yourself getting into power struggles with your teen more often than you would like? It’s no secret that these negative interactions...
Back To Your Future
By: Michelle Bottone, LMFT The pandemic has been a lengthy period of uncertainty which can cause increased stressors in many areas of our lives. Given the CDC guidelines and in order to interact with others, most of us have been relegated to socializing via technology...
Managing Family Dynamics by Walking the Middle Path
By: Michelle Bottone, LMFT It has been nearly a year since many of us have been working remotely along with our children who must also learn remotely in the same environment. It was difficult to navigate both work and family obligations pre-COVID 19. Given the current...
Beginning Evidenced-Based Therapy: What is it? & What can you expect?
By Laura Miller, LMSW Most of us will face challenging and stressful situations at some point in our lives and find ourselves needing more support. This is a normal part of human experience; out of necessity, humans evolved into social beings, as dependence and...
The Myth of Motivation & How to Stay Productive
By: Laura Miller, LMSW “Ugh, but I’m just not in the mood to do that right now!” Sound familiar? Perhaps you’ve heard something like it from a loved one or caught yourself thinking similarly prior to starting a difficult or unpleasant task. It’s natural and common...