By: Laura Miller, LMSW
In a recent blog, mindfulness, a practice of purposefully bringing your attention to the present moment and being aware of thoughts, emotions and physical sensations without judgment was discussed. This practice can be used toreduce stress and improve mood. Mindfulness benefits may be especially important throughout the holiday season, as the advertised most “wonderful time of the year,” can also be incredibly stressful. This year has likely included even more stressors than past years and perhaps significant unwelcomed change due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Many holiday traditions might look entirely different this year; perhaps you’re gathering in much smaller groups, celebrating alone or unable to travel. With so much change, this holiday season might require a larger skill set, including both mindfulness and ways to tolerate and accept the unwanted change that has occurred.
At times, change can be exciting, for example, when one chooses to move to a new city or start a new job, however when change comes unexpectedly or without any desire, (i.e. losing a job or being unable to travel for the holidays due to COVID-19 restrictions) change can be painful. Depending on the circumstances, your reaction to change may vary from excitement to sadness. Yet in all cases, your attitude toward the change affects your experience of it. The good news? You can improve how to cope with change by recognizing (or being mindful!) of your reaction as the change occurs.
In most cases, reacting to change with “willfulness” can often make the situation worse. Willfulness is ignoring reality; or rejecting the unwanted change or other painful event that has occurred. For example, you may find yourself saying, “Why me!? This isn’t fair! I’m not going to deal with this! It shouldn’t be this way!”. While this attitude is understandable (of course it makes sense to not want to tolerate and cope with a painful situation), rejecting what is happening in the moment often makes the situation worse. Rejection of pain keeps someone stuck in bitterness, anger, unhappiness and
other painful emotions. So much so, that Marsha Linehan, Ph.D., the treatment developer of Dialectical Behavior Therapy, writes that “pain plus nonacceptance equals suffering”. Linehan coined the term, “radical acceptance”, meaning that one must accept rather than fight painful situations with mind, heart, and body and accept something “all the way” in order to cope. (Clickhere to watch Marsha Linehan further discuss acceptance.) Yet, acceptance of a painful situation is often not a desirable option either... keep reading to better understand how and why acceptance might help!
Even with the understanding that acceptance has benefits, it is still incredibly difficult. Remember, that acceptance is not the same as approval nor is it minimizing the emotional difficulty that may be associated with the painful event. Furthermore, accepting reality is not giving up nor giving in, in fact, it’s quite the opposite; it’s accepting what is happening so that you can then choose how you want to cope rather than resigning to the pain of the unwanted situation.
You can also check out this step by step guide to radical acceptance .
Similar to mindfulness, acceptance is also an ongoing practice. At times, acceptance can last a moment or two, and then willfulness can pop back up (i.e. Ugh, but do I really have to cope with this?!”). Continue to observe when you’re willful, and be willing to “turn the mind” to acceptance and make an inner commitment to continue to accept reality as it is. You may find yourself turning the mind over and over again back to acceptance, and this is okay. Acceptance is a difficult process, yet it comes with high reward when suffering can be reduced.
Remember, be kind to yourself this holiday season. You are not alone in facing these unprecedented challenges. Make an effort to spend extra time taking care of yourself and don’t hesitate to ask for support when you need it.
From all of us at Behavioral Psych Studio, Happy Holidays!